🎁 Installing Mac apps using Bundle

Homebrew’s bundle is an automated method of installing Mac apps using the Terminal. This can be used as a significant time-saver to install all of your Mac apps after a fresh macOS install. Here are the steps that you need to follow to make the process work for you.

  1. Ensure Brew is installed. Copy the text below and paste it into a Terminal window to install the Homebrew components.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

2. Next, you will need a brew file, here is a link to how I built mine. You can customize the contents to suit your own taste. When done, save the filename as Brewfile. Note! Bundle can be used to install files from the Mac App Store, but you will need the specific codes for each app. See the next step and learn how to create them.

3. It is highly advisable to create the brew file before you format your computer. To create your own particular brewfile, use the following commands: 

brew install mas
brew bundle dump

4. Next, open the brewfile in a text editor and review the contents, ensure you have all of the apps that you want to reinstall at a later date. Once done, keep the file backed up.

5. Finally, when you are ready to install, use the command:

brew bundle install 

This will start the app installation process. 


Author: Jas Dhaliwal

Hi, I’m Jas! I’m a digital marketer, technologist, and storyteller. I’m passionate about exploring the intersection of business, technology, and humanity. I hope you found this post informative. You can also follow me as @Jas on Twitter